Human Sex Trafficking
Human sex trafficking is a heinous crime and one of the most traumatic, life-altering events someone can go through. It can leave the sexual assault victim physically, mentally, and emotionally devastated.
Dealing with your injuries will take time and resources. In some situations, you may recover at least some of these resources from those responsible for your injuries. Responsible parties can include those who perpetrated human sex trafficking and those who enabled it.
Melissa Hague can help you regain your voice. Share your story with her. She will listen to you, believe you, and fight for you. Schedule your free, confidential consultation with this woman warrior today.
An overview of issues arising from human sex trafficking cases appears below.
Legal Consequences for Human Sex Trafficking

Human sex trafficking is legally and morally wrong. Virginia law gives you two paths for seeking justice. In most cases, those responsible for your injuries will face consequences on both paths.
Protections for Victims of Human Sex Trafficking
Pennsylvania law provides strong protections for sexual assault and sex trafficking victims, and survivors should understand that they have rights. Among other things, these laws are intended to prevent perpetrators from attacking the character of victims to deflect from their own actions.
The Pennsylvania Rape Shield Law (PRSL) prohibits those charged with sexual offenses from using the victim’s alleged sexual history for the purposes of impeaching their character or credibility.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently held that the PRSL applies even in cases when the victim’s past includes convictions for prostitution, often linked to human trafficking. The court’s ruling reiterated that what matters is the allegation at hand, not the victim’s past. The bad faith tarnishing of an alleged victim’s reputation in an attempt to protect abusers will not be tolerated in Pennsylvania courts.Federal law also contains protections for victims of human trafficking. Among other provisions, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its various reauthorizations and amendments prevents the prosecution of trafficking victims for prostitution, creates a right for victims to sue traffickers, and helps protect victims and their families from deportation. Taken together, these laws help ensure that trafficking victims are protected from being victimized again.

Civil Lawsuit
Victims of sexual assault can seek to recover compensation from the people or entities responsible for facilitating and enabling the sex trafficking enterprise. A sexual assault attorney can investigate your case and gather evidence.
The lawyer will present the evidence to a jury. If the jury finds that the perpetrator and the perpetrator’s enablers injured you, they will award you damages.
In the civil suit, the jury only needs to find in your favor by a preponderance of the evidence. Human sex trafficking cases cause unique and sensitive physical, mental, and emotional injuries. Melissa Hague provides a dedicated and skilled team of sexual assault attorneys with the compassion and experience to fight on behalf of survivors of trafficking.
Schedule your free, confidential consultation with Melissa today.

Legal Grounds for Seeking Damages for a Sexual Assault Injury
You can pursue claims against the perpetrator of the trafficking as well as anyone who participated in or enabled human sex trafficking.
If you became the victim of trafficking after a company that was supposed to help you immigrate to the U.S. defrauded you, you can include the company in your suit. Similarly, if you were hired by a business but forced into prostitution, you can sue the business.
The causes of action you can bring will depend on what the party to the lawsuit did, including the following offenses.
Battery includes any unwanted or offensive touching. This includes any form of violent or sexual contact.
Assault happens when you are threatened with an imminent battery.
False Imprisonment
You have been falsely imprisoned when someone confines you against your will.
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Intentional infliction of emotional distress describes any outrageous or offensive action that causes you anguish.
o prove negligence, you must show that the perpetrator failed to exercise reasonable care in keeping you safe. As a result of the failure, you suffered an injury.
Depending on how you got drawn into human sex trafficking, negligence could arise in many ways, including:
- Negligent hiring or retention
- Negligent security
- Negligent selection of business partners
- Negligent investigation of assault allegations
By establishing negligence, your sexual assault lawyer does not need to prove that the perpetrator or enabler intended to commit the act that resulted in your injury. Instead, you only need to show that the party knew or should have known of the risk of injury posed to you.
Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
Negligent infliction of emotional distress happens when someone acts negligently and causes emotional distress as a result.
Damages Recoverable for a Sexual Assault Injury
When you win a civil case for your injuries, you can recover compensation for:
- Medical expenses, including treatment for physical, mental, and emotional injuries
- Income lost from missed work
- Diminished earning capacity due to disabilities
- Physical pain
- Emotional and mental suffering
- Reduced enjoyment of life
You will typically prove these losses with medical bills, wage records, and testimony about how your injuries have affected your life.
Hiring a Sexual Assault Attorney
Survivors of human sex trafficking have the right to pursue compensation from those responsible for injuries suffered. Most sexual assault lawyers offer a free consultation to new clients. You can use this opportunity to discuss the lawyer’s knowledge and experience in this unique area of law.
Sexual assault lawyers seek justice for every sexual assault victim. This drive requires both compassion and a willingness to fight for you.
Melissa Hague will help you regain your voice. During your meeting, you will share your story with Melissa. She will believe you, and she and her team are ready to fight for you.
Schedule your free, confidential consultation with Melissa Hague today.